Join the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club

Membership to the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club annual fee is $32.50 for online submission or $30.00 to print and mail in your membership.

Membership includes:

  • Club news by e-mail
  • Invitation to the clubs annual meeting and appreciation dinner
  • Membership to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC)
  • Subscription to the Wisconsin Snowmobile News magazine

With membership to our Club you qualify for the discounted trail pass in Wisconsin as long as your snowmobile(s) are registered in the state of Wisconsin.

All Memberships that are submitted will be processed on Thursdays.
Please note that it will take 48 hours AFTER your membership is processed to receive your AWSC number if you are a new member.

You will receive an email from the club once your membership is processed.
Once you have your AWSC number,  you can then order your discounted trail pass through the AWSC.

** If you have questions about the discounted trail pass please email us at:

Once your membership is processed you will receive a welcome email.

Need Your AWSC Number?

If you are a member already use the link below to look up your AWSC number.

Join Club Online

Complete the form below to join or renew your membership.

Spouse's Name (does not include significant other)
Mailing Address(Required)
AWSC Membership(Required)
I am transferring my AWSC membership to the BJSC from the following club
Name of Club
Location of Club
Please consider consider donating to the club. All donations go to maintaining our trail system.
Payment Method(Required)